Regardless of how big or small a company may be, a presence on the internet is crucial for attracting additional clientele who would otherwise be impossible to attract through traditional outlets (e.g. television, radio, and print). A website often comes with a great duty to try to expose your brand to the most amount of people possible. Whether that may be locally or globally, the best way to accomplish this is through search engine optimization (SEO). In this blog, we’ll discuss what SEO is, how it can benefit a firm being near the ‘top’ rankings in search engines, and the challenges that businesses can face when trying to spread their word.
In the marketing world, they say that the only way to maximize sales is to broadcast your goods or services to as many people as possible, and this can be done through many different avenues. For the longest time, this was traditionally done through the radio, print, and on the air through television commercials (DeMers, 2017). Nowadays, the most common method to market is online. With roughly seven (7) billion devices connected to the internet, this staggering number is only expected to grow at an annual rate of roughly 10% percent, year over year (Lueth, 2018). Hence, the stage to showcase a firm’s offerings has never been bigger than it is now. But with so many different ways to market online, what are among the best methods? In this blog, we’ll review three (3) outlets that will help you get the best bang for your web-based marketing buck and maximize your returns on those investments.
AuthorDr. Danielle Jenkins provides insights and tips on how to strategically run your business in the most efficient manner possible. Archives
June 2019